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Monthly Archives: May 2020

6 Erreurs d’Entraînement Que tu Commets Probablement Quand tu Débutes le Sport

Quelles sont les erreurs les plus courantes que font les débutants en salle de sport ? Tu as décidé de faire tes premiers pas pour avoir un corps plus sain et plus en forme. Tu t'es préparé, tu as souscrit un abonnement à la salle de sport, tu as regardé des tutoriels sur YouTube sur les exercices de base et tu t'es lancé. Mais au bout de quelques semaines, les progrès sont encore si minces ! Qu'est-ce qui se passe ? Lorsque les sorties régulières à la salle de sport n'apportent pas les résultats escomptés, il vaut la peine de réfléchir à ce que tu fais peut-être mal. Parfois, la réponse est sous tes yeux. Quelques petits ajustements peuvent faire toute la différence ! Voici quelques erreurs typiques d'entraînement que beaucoup de gens font - et pas seulement les débutants ! #erreursd'entraînement #erreursdesalledesport #sympa D'autres vidéos qui pourraient te plaire : 22 Erreurs Post-Sport Qui T’empêchent De Perdre Du Poids 6 Erreurs Que tu Commets Toujours Quand tu T'entraînes 5 Exercices Que Les Hommes Doivent éviter Musique par Epidemic Sound Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Nous ne sommes pas seulement ici mais aussi sur: Facebook: BRICO SYMPA: BRICO ENFANTS: ÉNIGMES EN 7 SECONDES: SAM LE SLIME: INCROYABLE MAIS VRAI: Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres) : -------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici :

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How John Wick Really Looks Like Without CGI & VFX |🍿 OSSA Movies

#johnwick #johnwickchapter4 John Wick is an extremely successful franchise that features Keanu Reeves in the main role. Its director Chad Stahelski paid a lot of attention to the fight scenes. As a result, they were all done perfectly in every single part! Do you want to know how Keanu Reeves John Wick scenes were made?? How john wick was filmed? You certainly remember the John Wick club scene in the first chapter. But you'll be surprised to learn that Keanu Reeves wasn't healthy while filming it! And what about the John Wick car chase scene in John Wick 2? Did you know that they crashed a Mustang in one of the takes? In John Wick 2, there was also a John Wick mirror scene that was inspired by a Bruce Lee movie. Watch the video to learn more about it! John Wick 3 had the most epic scenes! John Wick motorcycle scene was mostly done in front of a green screen. John Wick horse scene needed A LOT of preparation. John Wick weapon museum scene has references to at least two old movies. And, of course, John Wick dog scene was completely awesome! Did you know that Halle Berry had to train the dogs herself for it? Watch the video to learn more about Halle Berry John Wick preparation! All these scenes made John Wick Parabellum epic. Watch to see how they were made! And we'll also tell you everything we know about John Wick 4! Aren't you excited?? All John Wick best scenes and best fights are in this video, so click play now!Welcome to Ossa’m Movies - your handy source of cinematic easter eggs and movie critics. Are you in love with Stranger Things? We are obsessed with them too! We also have you covered on greatest Disney and Netflix projects. We know what you’ve been looking for! Of course, we have Top 10 details you missed in Avengers Endgame or Top 5 comedy moments from your favorite series! Are you ready for a heartbreaking tv clip? “cause we have them too!

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Don’t Charge Your Phone on the Bed, Here’s Why

Can a phone catch on fire while charging? And if it can, how to avoid it? How to stop your phone overheating? The very first smartphone appeared back in 1992, when IBM introduced the Simon Personal Communicator. The device cost about $1,000, could only send emails and run simple apps, and weighed as much as a hammer! Gradually, the giant dinosaur smartphone evolved and turned into a sleek modern gadget that accompanies us even when we're asleep! Smartphones have taken over – getting rid of our alarm clocks, maps, computers, gaming consoles, cookbooks, and fitness instructors! But do you know what mysteries and possible hazards your smartphone hides? For example, why you shouldn't charge your phone on the bed? #smartphonetricks #phonesecrets #brightside Other videos you might like: 20+ Tricks to Charge Phone Battery Faster and Safer Why No One Should Dim a Phone Screen Don't Charge Your Phone to 100%, Here's Why Music by Epidemic Sound Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: Stock materials (photos, footages and other): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:

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