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Home / ভিডিও / 11 Mistakes People Make Trying to Lose Weight
Why can't you lose weight? You abstain from potato chips, ice cream, fast food, soda, cake, and even pizza. Your new menu consists of all the fitness guru essentials. Unfortunately, you still haven’t lost an inch around your waist! So what’s the deal here? Are you doing something wrong? Perhaps the problem is in these 11 all-too common dieting mistakes that even the biggest health nuts are guilty of! TIMESTAMPS: Choosing organic products 1:09 Going gluten-free 2:11 Buying low-fat products 3:19 Drinking fruit juices 4:18 Eating energy bars 5:10 Preferring dried fruits over whole ones 6:00 Choosing eggs with a brown shell 6:41 Drinking sports drinks 7:27 Buying imported products 8:27 Eating granola 9:10 Cutting food intake without counting calories 9:46 #healthyfood #dietmistakes Music: SUMMARY: - When growing organic products, farmers don’t use synthetic pesticides. Instead, they’re replaced with natural pesticides, the side effects of which haven’t really been studied thoroughly. - According to the latest research, abstaining from whole grains, which are full of gluten, increases a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease. - Our bodies actually do need fat, and excluding it from your diet is only recommend for real medical reasons. In all other cases, simply cutting down on your fat intake and being smart about what kinds of fats you consume will be enough. - If it contains the word “fruit” in it, how could drinking fruit juices possibly be bad for you? Well, this type of drink contains loads of sugar and calories. Plus, they don’t have any dietary fiber. - Most bars contain sugar, chocolate glaze, caramel, artificial flavors, and other additives. They’re no different from ordinary sweets when it comes to sugar content, while the amount of calories in them equals a full-fledged meal! - Sports drinks, like a lot of the items on this list, contain tons of sugar, corn syrup, artificial food additives, and colorants. - The hype around granola has been created mostly by marketing experts. Sure, it’s got fiber and iron, but granola also contains a lot of sugar and some not-so-healthy oils that definitely aren’t gonna help you achieve your dream bod. Subscribe to Bright Side : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Our Social Media: Facebook: Instagram: 5-Minute Crafts Youtube: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more videos and articles visit:

11 Mistakes People Make Trying to Lose Weight

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